Friday, July 17, 2009

31 Days Post Resolve

Well it's officially been a month since I ended the detox, so about 4 weeks. Surprisingly enough I have no symptoms. I still have a few warts but the compound W is slowly but surely taking care of them. I don't have any tingling or itching down there today. I do have a cold. I had a really stressful week at work last week and now I've got it bad. It concerns me a little because I got colds frequently because my immune system was lowered before I did the detox. I ran out a vitamins and can't get more till the beginning of the month. I'm hoping this doesn't mess things up..I have my pap today. Not seeing my OB/GYN cuz she is on vacaton and I'm about a month overdue for my pap so I want to get that done so my OB/GYN can see the results. I'll probably go in on the 5th to have her check things out....if I continue to use the compound W, the warts may all be gone by then. So that's encouraging. My biggest fear right now is that I've been having some pain in my left breast. I have one particular spot that I know it's coming from. I don't know if it's really a lump there cuz I've always had lumpier breast tissue but I don't have it on the other side, even though I get pain there less frequently. I few years ago I had some major pain the same breast and it was just irritated lymph glands. Breast cancer runs in my family, but I'm not supposed to start getting mamograms for another 3 years. So just pray it's nothing serious. It didnt' really start bothering me until I started the detox, now it's been off and on for a while. It's been most consistent in the last few days but I think it might be because I should start my period next week. Not sure, will all the stress and everything and lowered immune system. I'm fearful I have cancer too. A friend of mine just recently had a double mastectomy. If I found out I had cancer, I would not resort to a mastectomy. I'm only 24, I want to have a family keep me in your prayers that everything goes well at the Dr. today....otherwise things are going well. Moving this weekend and apart from the cold, I'm moving forward.


  1. Good to hear you're hangin' in there!!! Have a great weekend :-)

  2. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Cancer,Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.
