Wednesday, July 22, 2009

36 Days Post Resolve

Well it's day 36 and other then the fact that I ran out of vitamins and am totally exhausted, I'm doing good...I went in for my follow up pap on friday and the Dr. said my cervix looked good, she did not see any white spots and there was only one red spot that she figured was from the that's good news, at least one strand is clearing...I don't have much itching down there anymore, on occasion, but I do have some warts, still using the compound W....I think I've realized that I'm just not attractive for guys or something...they don't want to date me, they just want to have sex with me....I haven't felt very attractive and although I've lost 7 pounds recently and still working on losing more, I just don't feel like guys like me...oh well. I moved this weekend, cut my hair, so I feel like I'm turing over a new leaf....hey did I mention about that guy who basically said I was fat? well he texts me out of the blue and asks if I wanted to have sex with wtf? why do you want to have sex with me, you're not even attracted to me? what a typical guy response.....he was like do you want to have sex or not, and I was like no! not because of the viruses but by moral standard he's a jack ass and I don't have time for that, even if I haven't had sex in 8 1/2 months.....I'd rather be celebate then get addicted, hurt and left when he moves out of the state.... guys are douches........anyway, I feel empowered that I said no.....I'm standing my ground....and although I may end up a crotchedy cat least I didn't let guys take advantage of me day I'll be in control of my health and be able to have realtionships again......until then, I've been having this pain in my left breast, I wouldn't say there is a lump but there is some breast tissue directly related to the dr. is keeping an eye on it...pray it's not cancer...I'm only 24, that's the last thing I need right now


  1. More power to you girl! Men are useless and not worth the hassle,really. I'm happy your HPV is clearing out, I had a scare that I had been exposed to a few months ago, but luckily my paps were clear, I couldn't imagine if I had found out I had HSV and HPV all in the same week. Hold your head high, don't let those jackasses use you like they use every other girl.

  2. You go girl!!! What an A-hole, that guy, huh? Glad to hear you're turning over a new leaf. I'll keep you in my prayers about the breast lump. Good luck to ya :-)

  3. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Cancer,Hiv_ Aids,Herpes,Copd,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.
