Monday, July 6, 2009

Guys are rude

So I was just checking my e-mails and stuff. I met this guy online awhile back and we started talking and I felt like I could be really open with him....I told him everything about me, even the deepest darkest parts of me. On two occasions I told him something personal, the first time he fell asleep on the phone and the second time we got disconnected. Both times I spilled my guts to him and he didn't hear it. Accident or not it really frustrated me because it took a lot for me to tell him the things I did. When he knew the truth, even about the STD's he was very understanding and still wanted to date me. i don't know if I was really interested in him or not but it was nice to talk to some one....well I got frustrated when he didn't hear what I said and I said a lot and really didn't want to repeat myself...anyway, he had a falling out over that whole situation but later we kind of reconnected and decided to start he sends me this message asking when we were getting together and I told him I was really busy for the next few weeks. Which I am, I worked in a fireworks booth everyday after work for like 5 days and I'm moving in 2 weeks and haven't packed a thing....I'm just stressed. So he said that I was full off bullshit and excuses. I was like um, no, we never even got to the point in the relationship where we were planning to meet up and I really have been busy. So I told him the truth about what I've been up to and the fact that I've been talking to some one who is potential husband out of respect for him I don't really want to see other after all that I was like, what do you think? He said I was a Fucking God Psycho with that not a low blow or what? I mean, this guy is an ex marine who is seriously screwed up in the head from being in iraq, who is going to therapy over it...I would NEVER poke at the fact that he had a hard time over there, and he said he cared about me and respected me for telling him the truth and then he throws it in my face?! I don't understand guys, they are fine one second and flip out the next. He said he had been going to church and wanted some one to go I've held him accountable to his faith and he tells me I'm a God Psycho? what is wrong with this picture? I think the part that discourages me the most is that I really want this new guy to be the one....although I think the Compound W is working and I'm getting better there is still this fear of having to confront this issue with this new guy. Last night we talked on the phone and I told him I've been working out, trying to lose weight. He asked me how much I weigh....I really didn't want to answer because I don't want him to view me as being some one who weighs 167lbs. The hard part about meeting guys online is that they can come up with this totally wrong image of you and then they are disappointed when they really see you....I want to be 140lbs but it's going to take a little time. Hopefully by the end of summer I will have lost at least 15lbs....with the holiday I've back tracked a little, but I'm going to start working out again today.....I just really want hope that this detox really worked...I don't want to worry about the HSV....the cervical cancer HPV can be removed if it's really bad and apparently the warts will go away in time and I won't even have to worry about it anymore.....I don't want to be honest with people about what I've got going on for them to just throw it in my face when they get angry...what happened to the good and decent people in this world? =(


  1. I'm sorry he hurt your feelings but that just means he is an asshole!!! You were honest with him and supportive of him and for him to throw something like that in your face makes him a jerk! Funny you say he is an is the guy who broke my heart recently; GO FIGURE!!! I know it's hard, but try not to let his mean words get you in a bad place. You are doing so well and I can tell that you are an awsome person so just try and focus on you and "F" him if he is gonna be hateful like that.

  2. He sounds like a loser....just ditch him.

  3. I wasn't even dating him, he wanted to date me and thought it was really cool I was honest with him....I wasn't interested in him like that, he wanted to be my friend and then he threw that in my face when I said I had a lot going on so I couldn't hang out....I will never understand why people feel the need to hurt each other when they get upset....I wasn't rude to him at all I was honest and he still flipped out, guys have issues
