Sunday, July 5, 2009

19 Days Post Resolve

Well I thought I should right something since it's been about a the itching has gone down a lot. I've been using Compound W wart removing gel on my warts, I think they are actually starting to get better. I still have my dr.'s appt. on thursday or my pap. otherwise things have been good, energy is good....working on eating healthier and working out....moving in two weeks and haven't packed a thing so I'm trying to get it altogether....I met a guy that so far I really like, he's potential husband material even. He doesn't know about the warts or HSV...I did tell him about the HPV (cervical cancer strand) which is none threatening to him....but he asked me what my take on sex was....and I like it but it's been about 8 months since I've had any and certainly am not ready to jump into bed with anyone....It's encouraging that the warts are getting a little better..once those are gone I will be much more hopeful....I really think that the virus being pushed out was causing more warts and more itching cuz they itch before they appear on the outbreaks that I've noticed, even with the compound W, I would think that would irritate the skin to the point of outbreak like I think the aldara that's a good sign....It's only been 19 days since I ended the detox and it seems like so much longer.... I can't believe I have like 71 more days to go in this wait.....I hope that this new guy turns out to be the one....if I can get rid of these warts I'll be home free.....I hope he will understand I'm not looking to jump in the sack right away....I hate it when you first find some one you like and start obsessing over it.....I just have a good feeling about this keep your fingers crossed, for a cure and for a husband...cuz I'm so ready for the next step and I would love to find the one to have amazing sex with...sorry if that's an overshare but you know we all feel that way.....ok, well that's enough for one night. hope everyone is doing well...I'm pretty yay

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