Monday, June 29, 2009

Itching & Tingling part 2

So I e-mailed resolve and they told me my symptoms are normal cuz my body is healing...they told me to give it 4 to 6 weeks. It's already been 2 so I'm sure hoping things will get better in the next 2 to 4 weeks...I noticed that my warts have definately gotten bigger, assuming the virus is being pushed out....I stopped using the detox topically cuz I they weren't getting smaller but they are definately bigger. So I saw a commercial for Compound W wart removal and I think I'm going to try some of that on the ones that they don't burn off at the dr...most of them seem big enough to be I guess this is just the second phase of my recovery, hoping that this next treatment will do the trick....It's not like it just itches down there, it's everyone. My back, my neck, my arms, mostly my legs but it's crazy how itchy I am....But the burning in my leg from earlier almost felt like heat zapping the's a crazy feeling. So I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that this really is a good thing.....

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