Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 2

Well day 2 is complete and things well pretty well...I don't know if this is related, but my muscles forearms and my upper back. I have a bad neck anyway which usually gives me back pain but today I've just been sore and I'm not really sure why.....but I haven't had diahrea today. So I guess I should explain how this works.....There are three steps to this detox...You have three bottle of minerals that you dilute, a bottle of pills and two smaller bottles of liquid, one you dilute and another that has a dropper. So the three bottles say A, B and C on them. You take A in the morning, B midday, and C evening....every 5 days you up your dose...right now I'm take 4ml for 5 days, then I'll take 7ml, and so on... I do that for 25 days, then I get a day off......then I take the pills, two of them, three times a day after meals for 7 days and then have a day off.....and I'm kind of confused about step three...I think you take of few drops of one and a few ml of the other and mix them together or something....three times a day.....You're not supposed to have any added vitamin C throughout the process because apparently it slows the effectiveness of the make sure you are eating healthy and taking your correct dosage...I wash it down with organic apple juice and I'm good to go.....already I feel really good....I'm tired now cuz it's bed time, but I feel optimistic about the process.....I know it's expensive but I think it would be worth it just to feel better....but then again, it's only day 2 who knows what's in store....I'll keep you updated

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