Monday, April 13, 2009

The Nuva Ring

So I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I got a call from the Dr. and all the tests they did came back negative which is really good. No HPV in the skin, no Chamydia, no yeast or why was I having cramping? Well I had just stopped using my birth control cuz I didn't have anymore and couldn't afford it...Well I think my body just freaked out because of lack of hormone because I started my period and I swear the flood gates opened. I have never in my life had a period like that. My stomach is starting to feel better, still a little achey and the breast pain is starting to subside so that's good. I still don't think the antibiotics the dr. gave me did anything. I have a friend who got off the ring too and she said her body freaked out for 3 months afterward...come to think of it, my body freaked out when I started on the ring too, I think your body just needs to adjust to the change. I used to freak out every month that I was Pregnant cuz something always seemed weird. Never pregnant my boyfriend was tired of me crying wolf. If I was pregnant I'm sure he wouldn't have believed me...I think I would have rather been pregnant than ending up with STD's. Well I only have 2 antibiotics left, I think I'll take them anyway, just cuz and come next tuesday, i think I decided, was when I was going to start the detox....I feel really crappy on a daily basis...I'm ready to get back to normal...not to mention a friend of mine said I need to tell the guy I"m seeing that I have this. I know he won't understand and will probably not talk to me anymore. I'm pretty sure he's not the one, but I enjoy spending time with him. I'm not ready to burn that bridge yet. Do you feel that touching is putting them at risk of getting it? I know it's in my system and I know where I'm infected at and only his hand has touched there, but not while having an outbreak....I think he has a right to know, but we haven't had sex and I wouldn't do that without him knowing. I feel like I shouldn't have let things go as far as they have already.....I don't feel like I put him at risk, although he may view differently..I want people to see me for me and trust that i would never harm them intentionally. I sure hope this detox works, I can't live in the shadows that rest of my life.

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