Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 4

Well I didn't post yesterday cuz there really wasn't any new developement...felt fine, no big deal...well today after I took my dose I was feeling a little bit queezy in the head...Wasn't sure if it was from the detox or not though. I have noticed that my skin is starting to break out a little bit, which is one of the said side effects. It's not bad though, just a little pimple here and there and a few on my chest and shoulders.....Sounds gross but it's not that bad actually, very minor. It still tastes gross, just a very strong mineral taste, doesn't smell like anything though. I think the bloating and started though...my stomach is starting to stick out more and I heard that happens through out the whole detox, so so much for losing 25 pounds by my birthday... which I'm finished with the detox the day before my birthday so I can celebrate and not have to take this nastiness anymore. I guess I'm allowed to dilute it more but I usually drink a lot of water or juice afterward. I can't believe I have to take 15 ml, 3 times a day by the end of step one....I didn't think it was that much based on the measuring thing they give you but after tasting it, even 4 ml is more then I want to take. I hope I don't start looking all pregnant from this stuff. I have tried to do detoxes before and stopped doing them cuz my stomach would stick out and it hurt....well tomorrow is my last day of phase 1 of step 1. Starting thursday I up my does to 7ml, 3 times a day...that should be fun...but all in all it hasn't been that hard to keep up on it. I guess when you want something bad enough the determination is just there....but then again it's only day 4 and i'm not sick and tired of the routine yet.....but it does kind of put a damper on going out cuz you have to take it with you and the bottles for step one aren't that small, unless you have a huge purse, which I don't. So anyway....day 4 symptoms, slight nausea, minor skin outbreak, and first stages of bloating......none unbearable and since I'm used to feeling like crap...so far so good...lol....I'll let you know if anything new developes tomorrow, and I'll definately let you know what changes when I up my dose.....keep checking in.....4 days down and 44 more to go...

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