Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Tell or Not to Tell

So I was seeing this guy that I met online a few months ago.. We started hanging out and hit it off pretty good. He was cute, he had a nice smile and we even shared the same birthdate....but there were just a few things about him that really wasn't what I knew I wanted in along term relationship...I was hesitant as to let myself really like him....well, like most guys would, he started to pursue a sexual relationship which I of course was not interested in with my "condition" and all. I would never put some one at risk without there knowledge and consent. I unfortunately was not given that choice.....So I of course held back and told him that I didn't think we should have sex....well the time came where I needed to let him know what was going on with me. He told me when we met that STD's were a deal breaker for him I was so sure he would head for the heals if I told him. Hoping he would respect my honesty and know enough about my character to support me as a person even if it ended out romantic relationship....I went back and forth trying to find the right words......
So we were texting and he seems kind of stand offish, not like his normal chatty self.....He had been bugging me about something for a few days so I finally told him I would help him and he said that he thought he would pass.....Like what? So I asked him what was up and he said that he thought about it and he's not a relationship kind of guy and only wanted to be friends. He said was a pig.......a pig? why do you say that? He said that he only wanted sex and he couldn't be through a guy who admits what he is looking for and protects your feelings anyway? what a relief.....for the last year I have only found guys who were interested in getting in my pants, (which is how I ended up where I am now) but finally I stand my ground and at least he respects me enough as a friend not to toy with me.....but what's even better is that I didn't have to tell him about the HPV and HSV......he would have never understood.....I am so RELIEVED!!!!! I really would like the closeness and the support of a relationship, but I'm starting the detox on saturday and I certainly don't want to deal with fighting off reasons why I don't want to have I'm just not here I am, single again....I guess I wasn't even officially taken, but I'm back to square the moral of the story is, don't tell people who don't really need to know, and don't get into a situation with some one who wouldn't understand if you had to tell them.........with that being said.......I have 3 days till my detox and I sure hope I don't screw it up....wish me luck

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