Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 15 & 16

Ok, so today is day 16 and I still have a fever. Yesterday I was supposed to sing at a church function. Don't judge me for being a church girl and having HSV and HPV, I had a bad year...Anyway, I committed to doing it and thankfully I was able to keep my temperature normal long enough to go sing and get some things done. That was a relief, I was hoping this would be a new leaf for me and that the fever would go away. Well late last night I was still up and 102 degrees struck again. I can't function when my temperature is that high. Finally i got it under control and went to bed. Of course I woke up with a pretty high temp too. Took my mourning ibuprofin and went back to sleep. I think the worst and most gross part about having a fever is that when you sweat it out your clothes and sheets are all wet. I figured if I didn't get out of bed my temperature would be all over the board, so I got up and took a warm shower and it felt.....ssooooooo goooooodddd....aaaahhhhh. Just what I needed. It's a little late in the afternoon and I've only taken 1 dose so far which I shoud have taken 2 by now but my schedule is all screwed up. I really hope I can go to work tomorrow, as much I don't want to and would rather stay home and get rid of this temperature I have a feeling it's not leaving anytime soon. Even on a lowered dose, 7ml still brings the fever. That one day I screwed up my dose and ended up throwing it up I actually felt so much better and then I was able to maintain the normal temp. But I can't stop it cuz I'm technically only supposed to have 9 days left of step 1, but the resolve team told me to continue it as normal until it was gone. I still have a little more then half a bottle of A, B, and a little more of C since I lowered my dose. I have been reading other people's blogs and haven't really read anything about people having temperatures but a to of people don't have nasty symptoms until step 2 and 3. So I wonder since I'm having these symptoms now, the resolve team said I shouldn't have many problems after this. Somehow I don't think that's true. But I'm so sick of drinking this stuff I would much rather take pills. My skin has broken out a little bit more and my scalp is pretty sensitive. My tonsils are still swollen but are getting better and my throat only really hurts when my temp is high. Drinking plenty of water is really important. I don't think you could avoid it if you wanted too, your tongue gets so dry you feel like you're in the desert, licking the sand. It's kind of sad when you have your essential items you have to take with you wherever you go, your thermometer, your detox, your ibuprofin and your water.....I have been carrying my thermometer in my purse just in case I start to feel bad I check to see if it's time for more ibuprofin. That seems to be the only thing that really brings my fever down. I should look into something stronger as I'm only allowed to take 6 within 24hours and I took more then that yesterday. well I just took my temp again and it's been a consistent 100.6 for the past 2 hours.....oh well, I guess I'll just monitor is closely. well I'm going to relax, this is more energy then I've had in awhile....I'll keep you updated....

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