Friday, May 1, 2009

Day 14

Well it's only noon but I didn't write last night cuz I was in so much pain. I've had a 102 fever since I've been on phase 3 of step 1. My chiropractor messed up my back so it's been hurting non stop. The resolve team said it's totally normal and to continue this dose amount or drop down to my previous dose, so I only took 7ml today once I felt good enough to eat skin has been really sensitive. I got a massage yesterday and I think the increase in blood flow made it tonsils have been swollen too and I noticed today there are a lot of white spots on them. Which after having read online about all that it says a bacterial and viral infection can't live in high temperatures which is why the detox is causing me to have a fever, and the white spots could be from an infection too, so since this is supposed to be clearing out my system I guess it's presenting itself in odd ways, I haven't had an outbreak or anything. I don't think I have strep throat or anything like that, but since I've been swollowing the minerals I think it's irritating my tonsils. I have been e-mailing the resolve team about it and I guess we will see what they say. This detox is not fun, I think I liked it better when I had no symptoms. I couldn't go to work today cuz I didn't even get comfortable till about 5:30 this morning...It's pretty miserable. I have been reading other blogs and stuff and they say step 2 causes stomach pain. Then some people have said step 3 is really nasty and some say it's a breeze...I'm so over all of this, but it will be worth it if it really works. All my friends think I'm nuts for doing this, but when you get this virus and have to spend $2000 plus on medical treatments and appointments, you'll do whatever it takes to me normal again...pray this doesn't kill me first though.....bleh......

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