Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 37

Well, today was day 3 of step 2....the pimples have kicked into high gear. The sucky part is that they are the big deep kind, but what's worse is that you can't pop them and it's almost like they just harden and stay there, not like they really heal and go away. Hopefully after time they will, but pimples in general are just obnoxious. I stayed at a friends the other day and the mix between not drinking enough water and the cigarette smoke didn't exactly make me feel very good. It's kind of funny cuz there is caffeine and a bunch of stuff in these pills but I'm been more tired than anything, wanting to sleep 12 hours at a time. My lymphnodes aren't as sore as they were. I've had cysts in my armpits for many years that were apparently inflammed sweat glands, when they get clogged they swell....anyway, I haven't had one in a couple years and having been on this detox flared it up again, that's probably been the most painful. You can tell there is a cyst in there and there is an open pore that you could essentially pop it, which is gross I know....but it's been too painful to attempt it. Anyway, still as unpleasant it is to have to take this stuff, which really kind of leaves a nasty taste in your mouth after awhile. Then again, brushing your teeth more frequently really isn't a bad thing. It's easier to carry around a bottle of bills then a bag of 3 bottles or liquid. Less inconspicuous too. The key really is to eat enough and then drink plenty afterward. I just took my dinner dose and only had a small amount of food....had the stomach pain for a few minutes, but ate an apple and I'm feeling ok...drank more water too, I think I was pretty dehydrated earlier so I need to catch up on my daily water intake. Don't you just hate feeling sick and then feeling like you're stuck at home. When really you don't want to go anywhere cuz you don't feel good.......almost makes you feel worse. The runny nose is starting to kick in a little more. I haven't really had a problem with it other than if I have my head down for awhile, but randomly one nostril will get kind of drippy. It's not really the kind of runny nose that would lead you to have to blow it. You moreso have to stick the tissue up there and absorb the moisture.....kind of annoying....this whole process is annoying, that goes without saying....The weather has been pretty nice lately and I went to the lake and just sat and enjoyed the sun and the cool breeze. It was just what I have been needing for all the anxiety I've been experiencing.....I'm going to make a point to get out and enjoy nature more....We are all vitamin D defficient anyway. It doesn't help that I've been super hormonal this week too......anyway, things are going ok, 4 more days on step 2. This up coming thursday will be the last day, friday will be my day off and saturday I'll start step 3, which is good cuz who knows how I'll react to that, and it's all complicated having to mix drops and let it sit for 3 minutes..I don't know....anyway, I hope this blog is helpful to people, I'm pretty positive about getting rid of the HSV, I really hope this gets rid of the HPV too, cuz that's mostly what's annoying, the itching and inconvenient......still have high hopes. Taking this stuff everyday seems like second nature now, it's going to be weird when I don't have to take it anymore. I think this has really taught me how to be better about taking things daily, like my vitamins once this is all over..... but one of the people who tested negative said to do as much to boost your immune system when you're done taking the detox so you can make sure it will flush it out of your system. I'm looking forward to having energy again.. well that's enough for today, I'm tired...

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