Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 31

Alright, well I said I was going to be finished with step 1 yesterday but I guess there was more then 15ml worth of stuff in the bottles so I'm hoping today will be the last day. I have the least amount of my morning dose, then a little more in my afternoon dose and the most in my evening dose....I guess depending on how much is left after I take my 15ml today I may just take the rest of it. Seems kind of dumb to take a really small dose tomorrow, plus since this is only the second day of taking 15ml, it probably wouldn't hurt to take a higher dose. I'm eager to move forward with step 2. I really hope it doesn't upset my stomach. I guess I'll have to my breakfast really early on wednesday and take the pills at home to see how I react. I heard the cramping is pretty bad like 3 minutes or so after you take it the first time. If I keep up on my water intake I should be ok....
I've come to grips with the fact that I can't rush this process. I really wanted to be done by my birthday in June, but that's not going to happen. Lately I've been pretty itchy down there and the warts have gotten worse, so I can tell the virus is being pushed out, but warts take forever to get rid of. I'm not really sure what the best thing to do about that is. Also what the least expensive thing to do is. Everytime I have them removed I get billed like $70 that my insurance doesn't cover. I was thinking of getting some wartrol since it's all natural but they say you have to use it until they are gone and I can only afford a months worth at this point. So do I pay the $20 copay and be billed the $70 to have them removed or pay $50 for the wartrol and see how well that works....I guess being billed isn't the worst thing in the world. I think I'll try the wartrol for the external symptoms and hopefully the detox will handle everything internally. Otherwise I've been doing good, still tired at times, I haven't really gotten much accomplished lately. According to another hub I contribute to, there was a lady who did resolve and was cured. She said to make sure to listen to your body. Don't over do it and when your body says you are tired, I guess I can justify my laziness for trying to take care of my body and what it's going through right now... I'm just ready to be done with step 1.....well keep your fingers crossed that I can get it done today....if so, tomorrow will be my off day and I will let you know how step 2 goes come wednesday.

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