Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 18

Well, a lot has happened recently....I have been in constant contact with the resolve team about this fever of mine....They told me to lower my dose until the fever is gone and they said it shouldn't come back. When I told them I had HPV too they said that's probably why I was having the flu like symptoms. I went down to 7ml yesterday and actually slept through the night but right before my alarm went off I had the worse nightmare EVER....and not that the dream was that scary but I was so scared in it. I woke up and my shirt was completely soaked in sweat and so were my sheets, talk about uncomfortable. I had the worst time getting going this morning, but surprisingly had an ok day. When I got home I took ibuprofin for some head pain and my temperature has been normal every since. I did however lower my dose down to 4ml today and I think that really helped. The resolve teal says I can do a day increase at a time and get back on track with my regular doses. They did say not to take any suppressants as it slows down the process, which was interesting because on the website it says that you can take all normal medications as it doesn't interfere. Which sucks since I am also having an outbreak (only my second one ever) and this one is detox enduced and is actually very mild. I already took 2 days worth of suppressant too, wish I knew that sooner. They also said that even though they don't want you taking added vitamin C, it's ok to eat foods that naturally have vitamin C...I've been craving cucumbers and I guess it's ok to eat them, for some reason that just makes food taste better. Everything was so bland for awhile. I'm just hoping that I don't have another nightmare tonight and continue progressing through step one. I have a little more then half a bottle of each step still, 4ml really is not a lot. Just remember that if you do this, 2 things to remember, make sure to eat plenty before you take your doses, and 2, it might be better to do it during the winter cuz you get pimples like crazy and I'm not talking about your face. I have them on my legs and under my arms, like in my armpits of all places. So no tank tops or shorts for awhile. So the symptoms I've experienced so far:

-Sensitive Scalp
-vomiting due to high fever
-sore muscles

I haven't really experienced the runny nose or diahrea that people have said they've experienced, but it's only day 18 and I haven't been up past 10ml yet. There's finally starting to be a light at the end of this tunnel. If this works, all these symptoms would have been worth it...so much better than being poked in the vagina with a needle.......read my pre-detox entries if you haven't read that story.......OUCH! ......anyway, I'm off to bed, I'm hoping for the best sleep I've had in days.....wish me luck

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