Tuesday, June 23, 2009

7 Days Post Resolve

It's funny how it seemed like the detox flew by now that I'm done. I couldn't believe how far along I was during the process, and although it took me 60 days to finish and seemed like an eternity it still flew by...Now that I'm done, this 90 days is going by super slow.... Well I have more energy now, I'm motivated to lose weight...although I still feel tired my body doesn't feel run down like it did before, I think now it's just from pure lack of sleep and not the detox...I'm still feeling good otherwise. Part of me thinks the detox is making the warts bigger, I don't know if it's drawing out the remaining virus or what...it's still itches some..it's not too bad...I have to go in for a pap smear here soon to check my HPV (cervical cancer strand) to make sure it hasn't progressed at all...If the warts are getting worse I wonder if the abnormal spots on my cervix have gotten worse. I hope not cuz I don't want another biopsy, they are not fun. I decided I'm just going to have the larger warts removed. i was hoping the detox would get rid of them, but I don't have time to wait for them to go away, I want them gone now. Hopefully once removed they won't come back.....I wish they could burn off the smaller ones too but I guess there is too much risk of damaging the skin or something...Anyway...I sure hope this detox gets rid of everything....So I've been talking to some one else who has warts too and she went to a sexual health clinic and they said the virus should clear her (my) system in 2 years and if all physical symptoms are gone then you wouldn't need to tell people you have it....I guess I'm just used to the whole HSV concept of always shedding the virus, I would think it's the same. I mean I got this from some one and I'm pretty sure he didn't have any physical warts when he gave it to me....most guys don't know they have stuff like this...obviously...unless they were just a jack ass and deliberately subjected me to this....that's so unfair....Anyway....things are progressing nicely, I'm taking my vitamins daily...I've worked out yesterday and today and taking half hour walks on my lunch break...I may be going to visit a friend cross country at the end of the summer so I need to get bikini body ready now....that's my new goal....Summer, here I come...


  1. Good luck on that bikini body girl!!! I'm tryina do the same thing...I must admit though..I was kinda down today so I did have ice cream and fries with my mommy tonight...better than liquor though huh...lol!!! So much for that raw food diet I was talkin about...haha :-) I've lost 50lbs since December and if I could lose the herpes too, it would be the best thing ever!!! I only have 2 days left on the extension and I cant wait for that to be over. I got sick and threw up from today's dose...I think it's cuz I hadn't ate anything but fruits and veggies since tuesday...who knows though.

  2. yeah I didnt eat much and I got a fever....that's why I didn't try to diet on the detox...I needed to eat too much to not get sick
